Tuesday 1 June 2010

traffic and driving

Ok how can you tell schools are off ? I wreckon theres at least 75% less traffic in town centres and high street roads,so many people already use cars to get kids to school when thet could walk.
So less traffic but more kids to look out for all day!! So stay alert in areas where there maybe lots of kids. As a driving instructor myself, less traffic is always easier to deal with but i still have a high rate of awareness at all times.

Enjoy the quiet roads while it lasts.

Monday 31 May 2010

Tuesday 18 May 2010

top tips for driving safely in the warm weather

1. a good pair of sunglasses are a must.
2. Keep hydrated.
3. Regular breaks if you feel tired.
4. Don't be distracted.....by anything
5. If you have aircon use it , don't be tight.
6. Take your time
7. Keep calm and wind your window down if you get stuck in traffic.

Monday 17 May 2010

Finding work as a truck driver

So test passed ,now to find work. When i passed my class one, where as you have to do your class two first now. I sucned on with an agency. This seems the best way to date to gain experience. It pays to do some research to find who pays what and what kind of work can they offer you and how often. The downside is you have to be fairly flexibleto get lots of work.
Once you get crackin most agencies will get you class two work to get you some experience and gradually get you on class one, i always enjoyed class one more. Be careful when signing on more than one agency.They sometimes clash which means someone is always gettin let down , not good when your trying to prove your reliable, then theres tax reasons. Theres a wealth of agencies out there.
If your in the right place at the right time you stand a good chance of getting a full time job.
There is nothing to stop you putting your cv out there or ansewring adverts in the paper , after all you want to earn a living,so keep your nose clean and your ears open.

Sunday 16 May 2010

how i became a truck driver

After been made redundant more than once i decided on a different career choice.I began lessons with an instructor , who also taught cars as well. Some 20 odd years ago though so i don't recall how much. The first thing i remember is how high up it was, i was already getting a buzz from it. After numerous lessons and on my fifth (never passed anthing first time ) attempt i passed in steeton. The thrill from this has me stuck for words, passing my car test was good but this was unreal.
All i have to do now is get a job, this was to be harder than i would think !